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  • 版权:钛锆铪工业网
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  • 发布时间:2017-03-20   来源:有色金属平台  点击量:1247
    ISBN:  978-0080188645
    书名:  The Chemistry of Titanium, Zirconium and Hafnium
    主编:  R. J. H. Clark, D. C. Bradley and P. Thornton
    出版日期:  1975-06-01
    内容简介:  The Chemistry of Titanium, Zirconium and Hafnium deals with the chemistry of titanium, zirconium, and hafnium and covers topics ranging from the occurrence and metallurgy of all three elements to their nuclear, physical, and chemical properties as well as analytical chemistry. The compounds of titanium, zirconium, and hafnium are also discussed. This volume is comprised of two chapters and opens with a historical overview and discovery of titanium, along with its occurrence and distribution, metallurgical aspects, and nuclear and physicochemical properties. The compounds of titanium are also considered, including alloys and complexes; hydrides and oxides; halides and oxyhalides; titanates and antimonides; and carbides and borides. The second chapter is devoted to zirconium and hafnium, their occurrence and metallurgy; and physical, chemical, and biological properties. Compounds of zirconium and hafnium are described, from alloys and hydrides to zirconates and hafnates; nitrides, phosphides, and arsenides; carbides, silicides, and germanides; molybdates, tungstates, halates, and perchlorates; alkoxides, mercaptides, and dithiocarbamates; and amides, alkylamides, triazenes, phthalocyanines, and bipyridyls. This book will be a valuable source of information for inorganic chemists.
    出版社:  Pergamon Press


    The Chemistry of Titanium, Zirconium and Hafnium
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