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发布时间:2017-02-06 来源:有色金属战略平台 点击量:2532
Proceedings of the 13th World Conference on Titanium
The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society
该文集为第十三届世界钛会的会议论文集,会议于2015年8月16—20日在美国California,San Diego,Manchester Grand Hyatt举行。
Titanium Research Developments in the United Kingdom............[1-12]
Recent Advances in Titanium Technology in the USA............[13-18]
Titanium Production, Research and Applications in CIS: Current Status and Future Trends............[19-26]
Recent Topics of Titanium Research and Development in Japan............[27-40]
Developments in Titanium Research and Applications in Germany............[41-50]
Progress of Titanium Industry, Technologies and Research in China............[51-55]
Electrolytic Ti Powder Production from Ore Sources............[57-63]
Production of Titanium Oxycarbide from Iron-rich Titanium Ores............[65-69]
Solid State Extraction and Consolidation of Titanium Alloys Direct from Synthetic Rutile............[71-76]
Influence of Temperature on Electrode Reaction of Ti in MgF2-CaF2 Containing Ti Oxide............[77-79]
Characterization of CSIR-Ti Powder and its Consolidation by Microwave Sintering............[81-86]
Sustainable Low Cost Titanium Oxide Production - A Concept............[87-91]
Novel Titanium Ore Upgrading Process Free from Waste Discharge............[93-98]
Hydrochloric Acid Leaching of Calcium Vapor Reduction Products of TiO2............[99-102]
Establishment of the High Purity Titanium Billet Production Method Using Titanium Sponge Produced by the Kroll Process............[103-105]
Continuous Extrusion of Titanium Particulates............[107-115]
Effect of Powder Density Variation on Premixed Ti-6Al-4V and Cu Composites During Laser Metal Deposition............[117-122]
Exploitation of Spark Plasma Sintering and One-Step Forging for Cost-Effective Processing of Titanium Alloy Powders............[123-128]
Exploring Alternative Methods for Titanium Production............[129-133]
Deoxygenation of Titanium Hydride with Calcium Hydride............[135-137]
Methods to Prepare Spherical Titanium Powders and Investigation on Spheroidization of HDH Titanium Powders............[139-143]
A Novel Process for the Production of Titanium Powders Bespoke to Additive Manufacturing............[145-150]
The Magnesiothermic Reduction of Up-Graded Ti-SLAG, Investigated by TGA-DSC............[151-157]
New Separation Technique of Titanium and Iron for Titanium Ore Upgrading............[159-163]
Titanium Recycling Process Based on A Chlorination Reaction Utilizing Chloride Waste............[165-170]
Development of X-Ray Sorting System for Titanium Alloy Chip............[171-175]
Titanium Sponge Production Technology in China............[177-182]
Electrochemical Behavior of Titanium Ions at Liquid Metal Cathodes in Molten Salts............[183-186]
Advances in the Development of Processing-Microstructure Relations for Titanium Alloys............[187-202]
β Recrystallisation Characteristics of α + β Titanium Alloys for Aerospace Applications............[203-208]
Polycrystal Plasticity Simulation of Microtextured Titanium............[209-214]
Comparison of Hot Working Behavior of Titanium Alloys with Similar Microstructures............[215-220]
Mechanical Behaviour and Microstructural Evolution in Welding Ti-6Al-4V............[221-226]
Flow Instabilities During Hot Deformation of Titanium Alloys and Titanium Matrix Composites............[227-233]
Influence of the Forming Temperature on the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Extruded Ti6Al4V Rods............[235-240]
Improved Creep Resistance of Ti-6Al–4V Alloy by Electron Beam Welding Process Plus Annealing Treatment and its Microstructure Analysis............[241-246]
Status and Progress in Wrought Processing of Titanium............[247-257]
GFM Radial Forging Machines for the Titanium Market............[259-264]
Effect of Isothermal Forging on the Microstructure and Properties of Ti-17 Titanium Alloy Prepared by Different Powder Compaction Methods............[265-268]
Friction Stir Processing of Metastable Beta Titanium Alloy Ti- 5Al-5Mo-5V-3Cr............[269-273]
The Effect of Hydrogen-Deformation Interactions on Recrystallization of β-21S Titanium Alloys............[275-280]
An EBSD Investigation of Ti-6Al-4Nb and Ti-10Al-4Nb Alloys Processed by Plane Strain Compression Test............[281-284]
Dissolution and Coarsening of Alpha Phase in Ti-15Mo-(0.35-0.5)O............[285-290]
Recycling of Ti-6Al-4V Chips: Influence of the Machining Process on the Chip Quality............[291-298]
The Effect of Finish Milling on the Surface Integrity and Subsurface Microstructure in Ti-5Al-5Mo-5V-3Cr............[299-304]
The Determination of Residual Stress in Extruded Ti-6Al-4V by Contour Method and Finite Element Analysis............[305-310]
Fatigue Strength Dependence on Microstructure and Defects in Ti-6Al-4V Welds............[311-315]
Microstructure and Property of Titanium Heterogeneous Laser Welding............[317-321]
Rapid Fabrication of Bond with High Strength in the Press Bonding of Titanium Alloy............[323-326]
Orbital Friction Welding of Titanium Blisks: Process Characteristics and Microstructure Development............[327-330]
Effect of Shot Peening and Roller-Burnishing on the Fatigue Performance of CP-Ti Friction-Welded Joints............[331-336]
Microstructure and Texture Variations in High-Temperature Compression of Ti60 Alloy with Lamellar Microstructure............[337-340]
Correlation Between Processing Map Domains and Microstructure of 50% Hot Compressed IMI 834 Ti Alloy............[341-345]
Recent Developments in Melting and Casting Technologies for Titanium Alloys............[347-358]
Production of Titanium Alloys Ingots by Ebchm Technology............[359-364]
Applications of Finite Element Modeling on Vacuum ARC Remelting (VAR) and Plasma ARC Melting (PAM) Processes of Titanium Alloys............[365-369]
Structure and Homogeneity of Chemical Composition of Large-Size Ingots of α - Titanium Alloys............[371-376]
Control of Alpha Case on Investment Cast Ti 6Al-4V Using An Industrial Shelling System............[377-380]
Evaluation of Alpha Case on Ti-6Al-4V Castings Using Various Techniques............[381-385]
Interfacial Reaction Between Liquid Titanium and Oxide Mold Contained Alpha-Case Formation Phase During Investment Casting............[387-392]
An Investigation of pH Control on Binder for Investment Casting of Titanium............[393-396]
Containerless Rapid Solidification of Liquid Ti-Al-V Alloys Inside Drop Tube............[397-404]
Influence of α Precipitation at β/β Grain Boundaries on a Microtexture in A β- Metastable Titanium Alloy with and without Previous Deformation............[405-414]
Selectivity of Burgers Orientation Relationship Variants During β—>α Transformation in β-Titanuim Alloy VT22 Under Severe Hot Forging and Rolling............[415-418]
Investigation of α/β Interface Structure in Titanium Alloy Using Hrstem............[419-423]
Grain Boundary α and β Grain Boundary Orientation in Titanium Alloys............[425-430]
Phase Transformations in Metastable Ti-15Mo During Linear Heating............[431-436]
Phase Transformations in Beta-Ti Alloys Studied by In-Situ Methods............[437-441]
Spheroidization of α-Phase Grains in Quenched and Hot Deformed Ti-6Al-4V Titanium Alloy............[443-447]
Formation of Secondary α Phase During Ageing in Ti17 Alloy............[449-454]
The Evolution of Ti-6Al-4V Following Extreme Thermo-Mechanical Processing............[456-460]
Modeling of Phase Transformations in β-Metastable Ti Alloys............[461-470]
Effect of Mn Content in Ti-Mn-Al-Fe Alloys............[471-474]
Effect of Solution Treatment on Microstructures and Properties of Ti-2Al-9.2Mo-2Fe Alloy............[475-477]
Effects of Alloying Elements on the Tensile and Oxidation Properties of Alpha And Near-Alpha Ti Alloys............[479-483]
Effects of Si-Addition on Mechanical Properties of Hot-Rolled Sheet and Hot Workability in Ti-5Al-1Fe............[485-489]
Effects of Thickness and Grain Size on Tensile Properties of Pure Titanium Thin Gauge Sheets............[491-494]
Evaluation of Local Rate Sensitivity in a Dwell-Sensitive Ti6242 Using Micropillar Compression............[498-498]
Tensile and Compressive Properties of Low-Cost High-Strength β-Type Ti-Mn Alloys Fabricated by Metal Injection Molding............[499-503]
Fracture Toughness Optimisation in A Hipped Ti-5553 Alloy............[505-510]
Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Titanium Alloys Produced by Hydrogen Sintering and Phase Transformation (HSPT)............[511-514]
Mapping the Decomposition of β to α in Composition and Temperature Space in Titanium Alloys............[515-519]
Development of Ultrafine α Microstructures in a Metastable β Titanium Alloy............[521-527]
On the Possibility of Local Structure in the Athermal Omega Phase of Ti-15Mo............[529-534]
Morphological and Compositional Evolution of Omega Phase Precipitates and its Consequent Influence on Alpha Precipitation in Ti-V Alloys............[535-538]
Strain-Induced Martensitic Transformation............[539-541]
Effect of Heat Treatment in Two-Phase Region on Equiaxed Variation Law of TC18 Alloy............[543-546]
Study of the Elemental Partitioning for Different Transformation Conditions in the Ti-5553 Alloy............[547-552]
Simulation of Solid-State Weld Microstructures in Ti-17 Using Thermo-Mechanical Exposures............[553-558]
Structural and Compositional Characteristics of Isothermal Omega Phase in Beta Titanium Alloys............[559-562]
A Study on Microstructures and Properties of A high Strength/Toughness Ti-3Al-1Fe-4V-4.5Cr Alloy............[563-568]
Deformation Studies of Titanium Wire for Fastening Systems Performance............[569-570]
Effect of Caliber Rolling on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Ti-6Al-4V............[571-573]
Effect of Cooling Rates on Microstructure and Properties of VST5553 Alloy............[575-579]
Mechanical Properties of Extruded Ti-6Al-4V Having Acicular α+β Microstructure Formed in Refined α Grains............[581-584]
Mechanical Performance and Microstructure of Extruded Pure Ti Based Materials Reinforced with Nitrogen and Hydrogen Via Powder Metallurgy Route............[585-589]
In-Situ Investigation of Phase Transformation Kinetics in Ti-6Al-4V Under Rapid Heating Condition Using High-Energy Synchrotron Diffraction............[591-598]
An Investigation of Phase Transformation in (Ti-6Al-4V)-H Using in Situ High-Energy Synchrotron XRD............[599-604]
Phase Transformation During Isothermal Heat Treatment in β-Quenched Ti-7Mo-3Nb-3Cr 3Al Alloy............[605-608]
In-Situ Small Angle X-Ray Scattering Study of ω Particles Growth Kinetics in Ti - 15 wt............[609-613]
Microstructure Development During Cooling of ELI Ti-5.5Al-4.25Zr-5.7V-1.25Mo-0.06Pd -0.115O from the Beta Phase Field............[615-619]
Phase Constitution and Aging Behavior of Ti-10 Mass% Mn-Oxygen Alloys............[621-624]
Investigation of α Phase Precipitation Mode During Ageing Treatment in Ti-18 Alloy............[625-628]
Harmonic Structure: An Effective Tailored Heterogeneous Microstructural Design to Strengthen Ti-6Al-4V Alloy............[629-635]
Influence of Fine Scale Alpha Precipitation on the Mechanical Properties of Beta-21S Commercial Ti Alloy............[637-640]
The Shear Response of High-Purity Ti and Ti-6Al-4V as A Function of Texture............[645-650]
Relationship Between Microstructure and Tensile Properties of A Ti-6Al-4V Produced by Spark Plasma Sintering............[651-656]
Investigation of Microhardness and Microstructure in Ultra-Fine Grained Metastable Beta-Ti Alloys Prepared by High Pressure Torsion............[657-662]
Investigation on the Bi-Lamellar Microstructure in Ti-6Al-4V............[663-667]
Dv-X α First Principle Analysis of the Effect of Alloying Elements on the α” Phase Formation in Ti Alloys............[669-675]
Simulation of Coupled Temperature, Microstructure and Internal Stresses Evolutions During Quenching of A β-Metastable Titanium Alloy............[677-682]
Nonlinear Relationship Between Processing Parameters and Mechanical Properties In Ti6Al4V Alloy by Using Fuzzy Neural Network............[683-687]
Continuous Dynamic Recrystallization Modeling in Ti-17 Alloy: Application to the Forging Operations in β AND β + α FIELDS............[689-694]
The Influence of Aluminum Concentration on Static Recrystallization in Alpha Titanium Alloys............[695-696]
Modelling of Creep Behaviour of Two-Phase Titanium Alloy............[697-700]
Room-Temperature Creep and Stress Relaxation in Titanium: Influence of Oxygen and Hydrogen Contents............[701-706]
Effect of Dynamic Strain Ageing on Creep in Titanium Alloy, IMI 834............[707-710]
60 Years of Microstructure Voyage in Titanium Alloy Technology Development............[711-716]
A Brand New Near α Alloy With Low Temperature Superplasticity, Ti-2111S............[717-720]
Timetal? 407: A Titanium Alloy to Enable Cost Reduction............[721-725]
Microstructure, Processing and Properties of A New Two-Phase Titanium Alloy............[727-731]
A New Class of Oxidation-Resistant, Microstructural-Stabilized and Cold-Workable Titanium Alloys for Exhaust Applications............[733-737]
Production of High-Strength Titanium Alloys by Pre-Alloyed Powder Metallurgical Process............[739-744]
Fireproof Property and Its Mechanism of A New High Temperature Titanium Alloy............[745-751]
Electrical Resistivity Change With Temperature of New Ti-Alloys............[753-755]
Influence of β-Forging on Texture Development In Ti 6246 Alloy............[757-764]
Hot Deformation and Recrystallization of A Metastable Beta Titanium Ingot............[765-769]
The Quantitative Assessment of Dynamic Recrystallization Behavior of A Near-Beta Titanium Alloy............[771-773]
Characterization of α Phase in A Near β Titanium Alloy Ti-7Mo-3Nb-3Cr-3Al During Hot Deformation............[775-778]
Influence of Cold Caliber Rolling on α Phase Formation in Metastable β Ti Alloys............[779-782]
Microstructure Tracking of Ti-6Al-4V by In-Situ Synchrotron Diffraction During Thermomechanical Process in Beta Field............[783-788]
Superplasticity of the Ultrafine-Grained Ti-6Al-4V Alloy with a Metastable α-Single Phase Microstructure............[789-792]
Research on Three-Roll Screw Rolling Processfor Ti6Al4V Titaniumbar............[793-796]
Effect of Cold Rolling on Alpha Phase Precipitation in Beta Matrix and Properties of a Beta Titanium Alloy............[797-799]
Comparison of The Fatigue Strength of Ti-5553 And Ti-6Al-4V for Aerospace Applications............[801-805]
Coverage Effects in Shot Peening on HCF Performance of Ti-6Al-4V............[807-809]
Effects of Hot Working Conditions on Fatigue Strength of Ti-6Al-4V Alloy............[811-815]
Microstructural Dependence of HCF and Multi-Competing Crack Nucleation in Ti-6246............[817-820]
Deformation Mechanisms in Micro-Scale Specimens of Polycrystalline Ti-6242............[821-826]
Characterization of Fatigue Crack Tip Plastic Zone of α/β Titanium Alloys With Lamellar and Equiaxed Microstructures............[827-831]
Fatigue Strength of Hydrostatically Extruded Ultrafine-Grained CP Titanium............[833-836]
Non-Conventional Fatigue Testing of CP Titanium for Medical Implants............[837-841]
Effects of A Grain Structure on Cyclic Deformation of Ti-Fe-O Alloy at Low Temperature............[843-847]
Microstructural Control of Titanium Alloys to Enhance Material Properties............[849-858]
Properties of Ti18 – A New High-Strength Near-Beta Alloy for Forged Products and Fastener Stock............[859-864]
Development of New Trip/Twip Titanium Alloys Combining High Strength, High Strain Hardening and Improved Ductility............[865-868]
Ti-7Mo-3Nb-3Cr-3Al: A New Near β Titanium Alloy Combined High Strength Andimproved Fracture Toughness............[869-872]
Research of the Relationship Between Hot Process and Microstructure and Property of a New High Strength and Toughness Titanium Alloy............[873-876]
Effect of Crystallographic Texture on Elastic Properties of Ti-5553 β-Metastable Titanium Alloy............[877-884]
Influence of Microstructure on Ultrasonic Backscattering Noise in Beta Forged Ti-6246............[885-888]
The Effects of Ultrasonic Inspection Techniques on Signal-to-Noise Ratio of Ti-17 Titanium Alloy Round Billet 350 MM IN Nominal Diameter............[889-892]
Effect of CO2 Laser-Sustained Nitrogen Plasma on Heat and Mass Transfer During Laser-Nitriding of Commercially-Pure Titanium............[893-898]
The Behaviour of Gum Metal (Ti-36Nb-2Ta-3Zr-0.3O wt.%) During Superelastic Cycling............[899-904]
The Effect of Microstructure On the Machinability of Ti-6Al-4V............[905-910]
How Does Niobium Improve The Oxidation Resistance of Commercially Pure Titanium............[911-915]
Phase Equilibrium and Oxidation Behavior of Ti-Al-Nb Alloys............[917-921]
Influence of Aluminium Content on the Machinability and Subsurface Deformation Of Titanium Alloys............[923-928]
Ti-15Mo with Nano-Crystalline ω-Precipitations for Implant Applications - A Feasibility Study............[929-934]
Phase Stability Study of Recently Developed Metastable p-Ti ALLOY Ti-32Nb-2Sn for Orthopedic Applications............[935-938]
Comparison of the Dwell Fatigue Behavior of Ti6242 And Ti6246............[939-948]
Dwell Fatigue of a Fully Lamellar Ti6242 Alloy: Deformation Mechanisms at Different Scales............[949-954]
Effect of Volume Fraction of Primary α Phase on Dwell and Normal Cyclic Fatigue Behavior of Ti60 Alloy............[955-958]
Dislocation Evolution of Dwell Fatigue Near-α TITANIUM IMI 834............[959-964]
Evaluation of The Relationship Between Tensile and Double Shear Strength for Various Titanium Alloys............[965-970]
Ordering inα Titanium Alloys............[971-978]
Determination and Analysis of the Cyclic and Dwell Fatigue Performance of Timetal? 575............[979-984]
Macrozones and dwell fatigue crack initiation in Ti-6Al-4V............[985-991]
On the Cyclic Fatigue and Dwell Fatigue Crack Growth Response of Ti-6Al-4V............[993-998]
Machinability of Micro- and Nanocrystalline Titanium in Milling Process............[999-1005]
Martensitic Transformation Behavior of Oxygen-Added Ti-20at.% Nb ALLOY............[1007-1009]
Strengthening Strategy for A Ductile Metastable B Titanium Alloy Using Low Temperature Aging............[1011-1015]
Stress Concentrations, Slip Bands and Grain Boundaries In Commercially Pure Titanium............[1017-1021]
Effect of continuous cooling on the lamellar spacing of a α2 +γ two-phase TiAl alloy............[1023-1027]
Point, Linear and Planar Defects in Titanium............[1029-1034]
Sub-Surface Plastic and Elastic Strain Fields and Fatigue Performance Of Drilled Titanium Plates............[1035-1040]
Twinning in a Single-Phase α-Titanium Alloy: Relationships Between Deformation, Ordering, And Texture............[1041-1049]
The Effect of Aluminium on Deformation and Twinning in Alpha Titanium: The ND Case............[1051-1055]
Effects of β Stabilizing Elements on Solid Solution Strengthening and Twinning Deformation At Room Temperature in α-Titanium............[1057-1061]
Time Dependent Twinning and the Role of Oxygen in the Low Temperature (<0.25 Tm) Creep Behavior of Alpha Titanium Alloys............[1063-1066]
Twinning Behavior of CP Ti Alloy Under Dynamic Deformation............[1067-1069]
Grain Boundary Interactions of Deformation Twins in CP Titanium After Room Temperature Ballistic Impact Testing............[1071-1076]
3D characterisation of early twin formation in Ti-4Al by diffraction contrast tomography............[1077-1082]
Hall-Petch Relationship of β-Type Ti-V-Nb-Zr Alloys Plastically Deformed Via Stress-Induced Omega Phase Transformation And Mechanical Twinning............[1083-1088]
Improvement of Strength-Ductility Tradeoff in β Titanium Alloys Through Twinning and Dislocation Slip Combined Deformation............[1089-1094]
Deformation Behaviour of Titanium Alloys Ti-6242 and Ti-6246............[1095-1101]
The Distribution of The Deformation Systems in Tension in Alpha and Alpha+Beta Titanium Alloys at Temperatures Ranging Between 296K-728K............[1103-1108]
The Effect of Temperature on the Tensile Deformation Behavior of Ti-13Cr-1Fe-3Al (wt. %)............[1109-1116]
Effect of Deformation Twinning on the Flow Stress of Rolling-Textured Pure Titanium............[1117-1119]
On the Role of the Beta Phase on Slip Activity in Ti-6Al-4V Single Colonies............[1121-1128]
Slip Band Characterisation in Ti-6Al-4V with Varying Degrees of Macrozones............[1129-1134]
In-Situ Detection Of Lattice Defects During Tensile Deformation in Titanium............[1135-1138]
Mechanical Properties and Deformation Behavior of Ti-10V-2Fe-3Al Micropillars Containing ω-Precipitates............[1139-1142]
Characterization and Modeling of Titanium Single Crystals Following Dynamic Compression by Split-Hopkinson Pressure Bar............[1143-1148]
High Resolution Spatial Mapping of Deformation in Ti-Based Alloys............[1149-1152]
Innovative Materials Design for High Performance Pure Titanium............[1153-1157]
Influence of Processing Parameters in β Phase Field on Microstructure and Tensile Properties of TC4-DT Alloy............[1159-1165]
Effects of Oxygen Concentration and Grain Size on Twinning Deformation Behavior in Commercially Pure Titanium............[1167-1170]
Heat Treatment and Hardening Behaviors of High Strength Ti-2Al-9.2Mo-2Fe Alloy............[1171-1173]
Effect of the Titanium Ti6Al4V Alloy Surface Preparation on the Mechanical and Corrosion Properties of the Functional Nano-Layers............[1175-1177]
The Elements Repartitioning Between Phases in High-Temperature Titanium Alloy During Long Time Aging............[1179-1181]
Microstructure and Properties of High-Strength Titanium Alloys Produced with Bepm Approach............[1183-1187]
Advanced Intermetallic Titanium Aluminides............[1189-1200]
Fabrication and Characterization of Tib And Tic Reinforced Ti-5Al-5Mo-5V-1Cr-1Fe Titanium Matrix Composite............[1201-1204]
Laser Metal Deposition of Titanium Aluminides – A Future Repair Technology for Jet Engine Blades?............[1205-1210]
Effect of Processing Route on the Microstructure Evolution in the Ti-6Al-4V/Tib Composite............[1211-1216]
Effect of Post Production Heat Treatment on γ-Tial Alloys Produced by Gtaw- Based Additive Manufacturing Process............[1217-1222]
Forged Intermetallic γ-TiAl Based Alloy Low Pressure Turbine Blade in the Geared Turbofan............[1223-1227]
Phase Equilibria and Properties of Ti-Fe-Mo Alloys With Ultra-Fine Lamellar Microstructures............[1229-1236]
Silicide Precipitation in Silicon-Doped γiAl Alloys............[1237-1242]
Microstructure Evolution and Tensile Properties of Ti-22Al-25Nb Electron Beam Weld............[1243-1247]
Determination of Residual Stresses in SiC Fibers Reinforced SiCF/Ti-22Al-26Nb Composites Using Raman Spectroscopy............[1249-1255]
Mechanical Characterisation of Gamma Titanium Aluminides Utilising a Miniaturised Test Technique............[1257-1262]
Changing of the Constituents and Microstructure at Dissimilar Alloy Tc11/Ti-22Al-25Nb Welding Interface............[1263-1267]
Preheating of Selective Laser Melted Ti6Al4V: Microstructure and Mechanical Properties............[1269-1277]
Modeling And Experimental Measurement with Synchrotron Radiation of Residual Stresses in Laser Metal Deposited Ti-6Al-4V............[1279-1282]
In-Situ High Temperature EBSD Analysis of the Effect of a Deformation Step on the Alpha to Beta Transition in Additive Manufactured Ti-6Al-4V............[1283-1288]
Martensitic Transformation and its Effects on Microstructural Evolution and Mechanical Properties in Electron Beam Melting of Commercially Pure Titanium and Ti-6Al-4V Alloy............[1289-1293]
Study of Phase Transformation in Ti-6Al-4V Alloy Produced by Direct Metal Laser Sintering............[1295-1298]
Tchuindjang J, Contrepois Q, Carrus R, Lecomte-Beckers J............[1299-1304]
Microtexture of Ti6Al4V Obtained by Direct Energy Deposition (DED) Process............[1305-1310]
Titanium Based Metal-Matrix Composites via In-Situ Nitridation............[1311-1316]
Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Ti-48Al-2Cr-2Nb Manufactured Via Electron Beam Melting............[1317-1322]
Advances In Ti6Al4V Additive Manufacturing in South Africa............[1323-1329]
Mechanical Behavior of Additive Manufactured and Powder Metallurgy Ti6Al4V............[1331-1336]
Effect of Hot Isostatic Pressing and Heat Treatment on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Pm Ti-22Al-24Nb-0.5Mo (At.%) Alloy............[1337-1341]
3D Printing Of Ti Alloys and Quality Control of its Products and Powder Feedstock............[1343-1345]
Effect of Pre-Consolidation Methods and Oxygen on the mechanical Properties of As-Extruded Ti-6Al-4V Alloy Rod............[1347-1354]
Effects of Powder Processing and Sintering on Tensile Ductility of Pm Ti-6Al-4V Alloy Made by Hydrogen Sintering of Titanium............[1355-1359]
Consolidation of Cristal Metals Powder of Titanium and Its Alloys by Microwave Energy to Near-Net Shape............[1361-1366]
Characterization of the Influence of a Fast Preforming on Superplastic Forming............[1367-1372]
Process Mapping, Fracture and Fatigue Behavior of Ti-6Al-4V Produced by Ebm Additive Manufacturing............[1373-1377]
Microstructure and Texture of Ti-6Al-4V Direct Laser Deposits............[1379-1388]
Titanium Alloy (Ti-6Al-4V) Processed by Electron Beam Melting: Microstructure and Mechanical Behavior of the As-Built and He............[1389-1394]
Structure-Property Correlations for Additively Manufactured Ti-6Al-4V Components Produced Using Directed Energy Deposition P............[1395-1400]
Small Punch Testing of Electron Beam Melted (EBM) Ti-6Al-4V............[1401-1406]
Investigation of Microstructure and Tensile Properties of Ebm Ti-6Al-4V............[1407-1411]
Additive Manufacturing to Produce Standard and Custom Alloy Titanium............[1413-1416]
Experimental Study of Incremental Sheet Forming Process Using Cpti............[1417-1422]
Linear Friction Welding for Near Net Shape Manufacturing of Titanium Parts............[1423-1427]
Fabrication and Characterization of Ti-6Al-4V Feedstock for Titanium Powder Injection Molding............[1429-1431]
Materials Characterization of Electron Beam Melted Ti-6Al-4V............[1433-1440]
A Quantitative Relationship to Predict the Effect of Extreme-Sized Pores on Tensile Ductility of Powder Metallurgy Ti-6Al-4V............[1441-1446]
Predicting the Influence of Porosity on the Fatigue Performance of Titanium Components Manufactured by Selective Electron Be............[1447-1452]
On the Fatigue Crack Growth Performance of Ti6Al4V Manufactured by Laser Metal Deposition............[1453-1457]
Microstructure and Mechanical Property Relationships in Electron Beam Melted Titanium Alloys............[1459-1464]
Improved Fatigue Performance of PM Ti-6Al-4V Alloy Processed By Hydrogen Sintering and Phase Transformation of TiH2 POWDERS............[1465-1469]
Environmental Behavior of Titanium Alloys - Threats, Mechanisms and Knowledge Gaps............[1471-1481]
Environmental Resistance of the Uns R55400 Titanium Alloy Under Severemenergy Industry Service Conditions............[1483-1488]
Development Of New Corrosion Resistant Titanium Alloy Containing Reduced Amount of Pd and Y............[1489-1494]
Electrochemical Corrosion Properties of Timetal? 54M............[1495-1499]
Corrosion Behavior of Ti6Al4V Fabricated by Direct Metal Laser Sintering............[1501-1505]
Combination Of Al-Enrichment and Fluorination to Enhance the Environmental Stability of Ti-Alloys at Elevated Temperatures............[1507-1513]
Crack Initiation and Propagation in Ti-6Al-4V Alpha-Case............[1515-1520]
On the Influence of Compositional Variations on the Oxidation Performance and Oxygen-Induced Phase Transformations in Ti-Bas............[1521-1526]
Direct Manufacturing Processes for Structural Parts and Engines Design in Aeronautics............[1527-1535]
Timetal? 575: A Novel High Strength Forgeable α/β Titanium Alloy............[1537-1541]
Ti575: A New Timet Alloy for Structural Parts in Aeronautics............[1543-1546]
Effect of Thermomechanical Treatments on the Strength of New Low-Cost Beta-Type Ti-Alloy............[1547-1550]
Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Ti-6Al-4V Laser Welds for Airplane Floor Manufacturing Application............[1551-1556]
Constitutive Equations to Predict Stress-Strain Behaviour for a β Titanium Alloy at High Strain Rates Over a Wide Range of Temperatures............[1557-1561]
Superplastic Behavior in Fine Grain Ti–6Al–2Sn-4Zr-2Mo Sheet............[1563-1570]
The Use of Infra-Red Heater in Superplastic Forming: A Way Of Saving Costs............[1571-1576]
Shape Memory Behavior of Superplastic Ti-4.5Al-3V-2Fe-2Mo Alloy............[1577-1580]
Probability of Life-Limiting Fatigue Failures in Titanium Alloys............[1581-1586]
Influence of Surface Integrity on Fatigue Limit: Ti-10V-2Fe-3Al Titanium Application............[1587-1592]
Stability of Residual Stresses in Ti-6Al-4V Components Due to Mechanical Loads............[1593-1598]
Evaluation Via XRD of Residual Stresses Due to Mechanical Treatment of Ti5553 Alloy............[1599-1603]
Evaluation of Titanium Alloys After High Temperature Air Exposure............[1605-1612]
Effect of the oxygen diffusion on the mechanical behavior of Ti–6Al–2Sn–4Zr–2Mo–0.1Si Alloy............[1613-1618]
Evaluation of the Bulk and Alpha-Case Layer Properties in Ti-6Al-4V at Micro-And Nano-Metric Length Scale............[1619-1624]
The Effect of Elevated Temperature Exposure on the Mechanical Properties of Ti834............[1625-1630]
Diffusion Bonding of Similar and Dissimilar Titanium Alloys............[1631-1636]
Initiation of Adhesive Wear During Frictional Interaction at Very High Velocity for a Ti6Al4V Tribopair............[1637-1642]
How the Sub-Surface Microstructure of a Ti6Al4V Tribopair Evolves Due to Dry Friction at High Sliding Velocity............[1643-1648]
Linking Machining Response of Titanium Billet to Upstream Thermomechanical Processing............[1649-1654]
Development of Biomedical Titanium Alloys with a Focus on Controlling Young’s Modulus............[1655-1663]
New, Aluminum- and Vandium-Free Titanium Alloys for Osteosynthesis Applications............[1665-1668]
Biocompatibility of New Low-Cost Ti-Alloys............[1669-1671]
Ti-Nb-Ta-Zr Alloys with Iron, Silicon and and Oxygen Content: Increasing Strength of Load-Bearing Implants Material............[1673-1678]
New Powder/Solid Composite Exhibiting Low Young’S Modulus and Energy Absorption for Biomedical Applications Fabricated by A............[1679-1683]
A β-Type Titanium Alloy With Significantly Changeable Young’S Modulus and Good Mechanical Properties Used for Spinal Fixat............[1685-1689]
Fabrication of Biocompatible Ti-Nb-Sn Through Powder Metallurgy Route for Orthopedic Implants............[1691-1693]
Shape Memory Behavior of Ti-Au-Cr Biomedical Alloy............[1695-1698]
Surface structuring by electron beam technique in titanium grade 2 and Ti6Al4V for biomedical application............[1699-1705]
Wear Behaviors of Combinations Comprised of Titanium Alloys in Air and Ringer’S Solution............[1707-1710]
Formation of the Hydroxyapatite Layer on Commercially Pure Titanium Using Fine Particle Peening............[1711-1715]
Formation and Evaluation of Thermally-Oxidized Titania Layers on Commercially Pure Ti............[1717-1721]
Effect of Fine Particle Peening Using Hydroxyapatite Shot Particles on Fatigue Properties of Beta Titanium Alloy in Rotating............[1723-1726]
Formation of Hydrophilic and Hydrophobic Ti Surface Using Hydroprocessing and their Osteoconductivity............[1727-1730]
Fatigue Behavior of Ticp with Surface Modified by Tio2 Nanotubes Formation............[1731-1733]
In Situ Titanium Alloy Elaborated by Selective Laser Melting of Ti and Nb Mixed Powder............[1735-1739]
Development of New Ti-Mn-Mo Alloys for Use in Biomedical Applications............[1741-1745]
Phase Constitution and Mechanical Properties of Ti-Mo-Sn-Zr Shape Memory Alloys............[1747-1750]
Cleanliness and Microstructural Issues Related to Additive Layer Manufactured Porous Surface Structured Titanium Medical and............[1751-1759]
Mechanical and Surface Functionalities of Nanostructured β–Type Titanium Alloys Through Severe Plastic Deformation............[1761-1766]
The Applicability of Severe Plastic Deformation in Enhancing Shape Memory Transformations in Aged Ti-50.6 at%Ni............[1767-1775]
Improving in Fatigue Strength of Biomedical Ti-15Mo Alloy While Retaining Low Elastic Modulus Through Severe Plastic Deforma............[1777-1781]
Investigation of Mechanical Twinning in The Ti-24Nb-4Zr-8Sn P Titanium Alloy............[1783-1786]
Effect of Diffusion Bonding Temperature on Compressive Property of Porous Titanium Alloys for Loading-Bearing Biomedical App............[1787-1790]
Mechanical Properties of a Rod for Spinal Deformity Correction Produced from Meta-Stable Beta Ti-Cr-Sn-Zr Alloys............[1791-1796]
Titanium Application in Marine Engineering and Nuclear-Power Engineering............[1797-1805]
A Highly Corrosion Resistant Titanium Alloy for Use in the Chemical Process Industry............[1807-1812]
Evolution of Defects in two Titanium Alloys Under Ti2+ Ion Irradiation............[1813-1818]
Wear and Corrosion Resistant Titanium with Nano Titanium Carbide Reinforcements............[1819-1824]
Development of High Heat Transfer Titanium Sheet for Heat Exchanger............[1825-1829]
Material Properties of Newly Developed Heat Resistant Titanium Alloy “Ti-1Cu-1Sn-0.35Si-0.2Nb” for Automotive Exhaust Applications............[1831-1838]
Use of the Titanium Alloys for Applications Submitted to Shocks............[1839-1844]
In Situ Electrochemical Behavior of Titanium Alloys (T40, T64) Under 4He2+ Irradiation............[1845-1848]
Electrochemical Hydriding of a Grade 2 Titanium Alloy............[1849-1852]
The Effect of Graphene Monolayer on Structural, Mechanical and Corrosion Properties of Multi-Coating System, Based on SiN Thin Film, Deposited on Ti6Al4V Alloy Surface............[1853-1862]
Progress in the Advanced Titanium Microstructure and Modeling Program............[1863-1873]
Prediction of Tensile Properties of Beta-Forged Ti-6246 Engine Compressor Disks............[1875-1880]
Microstructure Uncertainty Propagation in Sheet Metal Forming Fe-Simulations: Springback of Commercial-Purity Titanium............[1881-1886]
Nonlocal Crystal Plasticity Finite Element Simulations of Nanoindentation on Ti-6Al-4V Alloy............[1887-1891]
Grain Boundary-Mediated Lattice Reorientation in α-Titanium to Promote Plastic Deformation in Hard-Oriented Grains............[1893-1896]
Porosity Formation in Laser Welded Ti-6Al-4V Alloy: Modelling and Validation............[1897-1900]
First-principles investigation of solute diffusion mechanisms in alpha-Ti............[1901-1906]
Icme of Microtexture Evolution in Dual Phase Titanium Alloys............[1907-1912]
Synthetic Building and Targeted Analysis of Life-Limiting Microtextured Regions............[1913-1918]
Alloying Effects of Transition Metals on Beta Phase Stability of Ti Alloys from First-Principles Calculations............[1919-1923]
Grain Growth Simulation in Commercially Pure Titanium Using Phase-Field Method............[1925-1930]
Heterogenous Nucleation During β → α + β Transformation in Titanium Alloys............[1931-1936]
Calphad Modeling and Experimental Validation of Multi-component Systems for Cast Titanium Alloy Development............[1937-1941]
Advanced Microtexture Analysis of A Ti 10-2-3 Product for Better Understanding of Local Variations in Mechanical Behavior............[1943-1948]
Proceedings of the 13th World Conference on Titanium
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